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Viu (Android TV)

7 reviews
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Stream Asian shows and movies with subtitles on-demand

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The Viu (Android TV) platform is an on-demand streaming service focused on delivering high-quality Asian entertainment to enthusiasts. With the app, viewers can dive into a vast array of latest television shows and movies from Asia, often available a mere four hours after their original broadcast, all equipped with localized subtitles for an improved experience. Premium members enjoy the perks of unlimited video streaming and the capability to download endless content for offline viewing on mobile and tablet devices.

The platform's user interface is intuitively designed to support local languages, promoting effortless navigation and understanding. As a gateway to first-rate Asian content, Viu (Android TV) is compatible with smart TVs and various other devices, making it easy to have beloved shows and movies available at any moment, wherever one might be. The content library is extensive and diverse, shaped by licensing agreements unique to different regions.

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In summary, whether you're looking to catch up on your favorite Asian series or explore new titles, the Viu (Android TV) app ensures that premium Asian content is just a few clicks away, on a wide range of devices, all with the convenience and personalized viewing experience one desires. Viewers are reminded that all usage is subject to the service's terms and conditions.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by PCCW OTT (Hong Kong) Limited.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 6.0 or higher required

Information about Viu (Android TV) 3.1.2

Package Name com.viu.tv
License Free
Op. System Android
Supported devices TV
Category Funny
Language English
47 more
Author PCCW OTT (Hong Kong) Limited
Downloads 18,961
Date Jan 31, 2023
Content Rating +12
Advertisement Not specified
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